Double Delight For Big Trouble In Little China Gamers

What’s better than a Big Trouble in Little China board game? Why, two Big Trouble in Little China board games of course! The box art pictured above has just been released for “Big Trouble in Little China: The Game” and it definitely appears to be the option for component lovers. The board is two-sided with […]

Tetris Could Reduce Traumatic Memories

Playing Tetris could help reduce the chances of people suffering long-term mental effects from traumatic events according to a study. Professor Emily Holmes of Karolina Institutet in Sweden led a multi-national research team and ran a study to test the concept. The thinking was that playing Tetris is so absorbing for visual memory that it […]

This Legend of Zelda Collector’s Chess Set is GORGEOUS

Drop your controller and bust out your best gambit with 32 custom sculpted game pieces featuring the characters from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. On the white team: Link (King), Zelda (Queen), Impa (Bishops), Epona (Knights), Darunia (Rooks), Navi (Pawns). And on the black side: Ganon (King), Twinrova (Queen), Iron Knuckle (Bishops), Phantom […]