Do Not Turn Power Off [Animated Comic]
[Source: Clueless Hero | Like “Clueless Hero” on Facebook]
[Source: Clueless Hero | Like “Clueless Hero” on Facebook]
Outlast was one of the scariest video games of the last few years (with the recent Resident Evil 7 being the first in a while to even stand close to it, horror wise) and now we have Outlast 2 dropping very soon, ready to scare the crap out of us once again. So what sets […]
[Source: Emblim Comics on Tumblr]
From my pals Nick and Gary over at Sneaky Zebra: It’s WonderCon 2017, so we teamed up with our friends at Games Box Monthly to bring you some of the most amazing cosplayers we could find! [Sneaky Zebra]
The makers of a bot for cheating at Blizzard games such as Overwatch have been ordered to pay $8.6 million for copyright infringement. German firm Bossland had previously asked the US federal court to dismiss Blizzard’s claim, arguing that it didn’t come under US jurisdiction. That request was denied and Bossland then chose not to […] This is hilarious. [MeinCouch123]
Once you’ve experienced the massive sci-fi opera known as the Mass Effect trilogy, get ready to return to the series with a fresh entry – that feels less like a full sequel, and more like straight to DVD. It’s MASS EFFECT: ANDROMEDA! [Smosh Games]
Valve is to take extra steps to reduce the visibility of shoddy Steam games while making sure good ones don’t get drowned out. It’s going to recruit players to check out submissions and dig out the hidden gems. The program was detailed in videos from gaming YouTubers Jim Sterling and John Bain (aka TotalBiscuit) who […]
I hope your playthrough is going well and that you won’t have to speed run the game! [Casually Explained]
Nick Brick presents life size LEGO replicas of Tracer’s dual wielded Pulse Pistols from Overwatch with working reload functions, moving triggers, and light-up components, constructed from 1063 pieces each (2126 total). [Nick Brick]