Man Performs the Pokemon Theme… Using Kazoos!

Epilepsy Warning: video contains flashing colors. The youtuber thought to include this disclaimer in the description on his video, so I figured it wouldn’t hurt putting it here as well. That’s right, Kazoos. It might not be the most melodious instrument to play, but the sound it produces works surprisingly well with the Pokémon TV […]

When Little Golden Books Meet Pop Culture [Pics]

Artist Joey Spiotto inspired himself from some of the books of our childhood to create a series of fantastic illustrations that picture various pop culture characters and franchises as they would appear on the cover of Little Golden Books. Please note that most of these are available as prints via the artist’s Etsy store. [Joey […]

Wait, What? Nintendo To Discontinue The NES Classic

If you’ve been looking to put your hands on a NES classic, you better hurry up, because apparently, Nintendo will soon been discontinuing the console. From Nintendo: “Throughout April, NOA territories will receive the last shipments of Nintendo Entertainment System: NES Classic Edition systems for this year. We encourage anyone interested in obtaining this system […]