A Banjo Cover of Sunsoft’s Journey to Silius (NES Title Theme) [Video]

From Banjo Guy Ollie: New cover is the Title theme from Sunsoft’s hit on the NES : Journey to Silius. I am planning on doing more from this game in the future too since most of the music is fantastic. And here’s the original theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkWYvENgxwA [Banjo Guy Ollie]

15 Video Game Boss Fight Tropes That Aren’t Disappearing Anytime Soon

You would think by the 8th generation of gaming we would be past the “hit the glowing spot for maximum damage” hand-holding of boss fights, alas, here we are and gaming is still holding our hands. From glowing spots to quick time event (QTE,) here are 15 boss fights tropes that aren’t going away anytime […]