A Skincare Clinic Chose the Umbrella Corporation Logo Without Realizing the Connection

A skincare clinic in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, recently adopted a new logo to represent its business: The Umbrella Corporation logo. Let’s just hope their skin creams won’t turn the whole world into one giant real-life version of Resident Evil. After the Internet pointed the connection out, the Medcare Skin Centre responded saying they […]

Fallout 4 Becomes a Horror Film with Fallout Dread

Pilgrim is a horror overhaul for Fallout 4 created from the ground up by l00ping and TreyM, the creators of Photorealistic Commonwealth and Cinematic Film Looks. This mod takes much of it’s inspiration from the atmosphere and weather seen in the American horror film, The Witch. New weather, sounds, and environment lighting have been completely […]