Game of Throne RPG In The Works?

Bethesda Game Studios, developer of Elder Scrolls and Fallout, could be working on a Game of Thrones project. There’s very little detail however, and it’s largely supposition at this point. The only ‘evidence’ at the moment comes from a poster on the NeoGAF forum having spotted a placeholder page on Target’s website that reads “Bethesda: […]

The 14 NEW Game Releases of the Week (8/28 – 9/3) Upcoming Games 2017 for PS4 Xbox One Switch PC

Looks like we have quite a week in store for us gamers. Hope you have your wallet crammed because this might be an expensive week for us. And yes, even the Nintendo Switch is covered. For me, the Life is Strange prequel no one expected has me most excited. What game has you drooling? Games […]

You Can Actually Purchase this AMAZING Fallout 4 Inspired Gauss rifle! [Pics + Video]

Etsy seller and artist PlastCraft inspires himself from video games to create some amazing props, as seen in the unbelievably gorgeous Fallout 4 gauss rifle replica above. The rifle is a handmade item, made of plywood, pvc plastic, PLA, laser LED, blue LEDs, NIXIE tubes, batteries and some metal bolts. Based on the Kamui Cosplay’s […]