Bears vs. Babies: The Monster-Building Card Game

From the creator of Exploding Kittens, here comes Bears vs. Babies: a monster-building card game where despicable babies are attacking by land, by sea, and even by air! And who will save us from this menace? Bears of course, and other vicious monsters too… wielding nunchuck-wielding T-Rexes. Oh no! Armies of horrible, despicable babies are […]

Zero Gravity: A Magnetic Miniatures “Capture-the-Flag” Board Game

Zero Gravity is a new innovative capture the flag game for 2 to 4 players. The game features over 80 magnetic miniatures (40mm) and a 3D arena. During a game, each player controls 14 miniatures that needs to score points (called cheers) to win the game. How does it work? Each miniature has a […]

NES Classic Returns Next Year

Nintendo is bringing back the NES Classic – but not until Summer 2018. It’s also extending supplies of the SNES Classic. After initial batches proved nowhere close to supplying demand, Nintendo originally said it would not be making any more of the NES Classic because its resources were tied up in another project, which turned […]

What If Horizon Zero Dawn was a Movie [Video]

German cosplayer Svetlana Quindt, better known as Kamui Cosplay online, has recently finished working on what has to be the best and most detailed costume of Aloy from Horizon Zero Dawn I’ve seen, and she as released a video that seems to come straight out of a live action cinematic adaptation of the game. Check […]

Jim Henson’s The Dark Crystal: The Board Game! (Available for Pre-Order)

Remember the insanely popular Labyrinth board game that was released last year by River Horse? If you’re a fan of anything by Jim Henson and board games in general, here’s something that should please you quite a bit: The company is releasing a new game based on the 1982 fantasy classic, The Dark Crystal! For […]

FIGHT OF GODS: A Fighting Game Featuring Buddha, Odin, Jesus, and MORE!

Here’s the launch trailer of Fight of Gods, a fighting game putting various deities in an arena for a fight to the death! Your prayers have been answered! For the first time ever, gods, holy spirits and mythological characters from around the globe and throughout history will clash in an explosive 2D fighter where the […]