DEAL: Save 35% Off on Logitech’s G610 Orion Red Backlit Mechanical Gaming Keyboard – $77.43 + FREE US Shipping

Looking for a great mechanical gaming keyboard? Amazon is currently offering the Logitech G610 Orion Red Backlit Mechanical Gaming Keyboard for just $77.43 + free US shipping. That’s 35% off on the keyboard’s regular list price of $119.99. Logitech G610 Orion gaming keyboard delivers a pure gaming experience. Starting with a performance-driven design, the keyboard […]

Museum: Let Us Play Network Games Legally

A museum wants the right to revive abandoned online games. It’s called for a special exemption to copyright laws. The idea comes from Oakland, California’s Museum of Art and Digital Entertainment (MADE), which has proposed an exemption to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. That’s the law that says its illegal to manufacture or develop something […]