Discover Your Real-Life Roleplaying Stats With the 4d6andMe Stat DNA Discovery Kit

Check out the new 4d6andMe Stat DNA Discovery Kit! No need to provide a blood sample, just a small saliva sample. You’ll then be on your way to discover your real-life roleplay attributes (STRength, DEXterity, CONstitution, INTelligence, WISdom, and CHArisma.) We are excited for you to begin this adventure. Admit it: since the first time […]

This Gamer Rolled a Crit While Creating These Edible Polyhedral Dice

Not only is Gamer and cosplayer Sonja a fan of role playing games, she’s also a pastry chef! She recently tried her hand at creating edible RPG/polyhedral dice, and after seeing the reaction of folks on the Internet, she decided to start selling them on Etsy. The dice can be either “eaten as a hard […]