Humble Monthly Deal: Get OVER $100 of Games Every Month For a Year For Just $99 (And Support Charity!)

For all you gamers out there that like to try a lot of games, the Humble Monthly package from the folks over at Humble Bundle is just the thing for you! For the current delivery, you get Cause 3 XXL, Wizard of Legend, and Project Cars 2, along with plenty of other games for one […]

3000 T-REXES vs. 20000 JEDI – Ultimate Epic Battle Simulator! [Video]

3,000 t-rexes fight 20,000 jedi! Who will win? Find out in this video made using the Ultimate Epic Battle Simulator! So yeah, this won’t happen anytime soon, but I don’t think the outcome shown in the video reflects how this would truly play out. Jedi could throw their lightsabers and use force push to keep […]