Inserting Nic Cage’s Face in Video Game Scenes [Deepfake Video]
Nic Cage looks amazing as Cortana! [Derpfakes]
Nic Cage looks amazing as Cortana! [Derpfakes]
Here is a great cover the the title screen song from Mega Man 2 (Gameboy Edition) by musicial Banjo Guy Ollie. Enjoy! [Banjo Guy Ollie]
We’ve posted about these “critical failure” dice sets in the past and they were a HUGE hit! Now, the creator has cooked up his most gorgeous set yet! Behold: Update: Also available in plenty of other colors! The perfect 25mm metal D20 for slaying princess, saving dragons, and trying desperately to seduce your way out […]
From Lathe26: From 1982, Mattel ran this advertisement in movie theaters for the Intellivision gaming console. It features a futuristic newscast that reports on news events that are actually demonstrating several Intellivision games. These games include: Space Battle, Night Stalker, Utopia, TRON Deadly Discs, Boxing, Tennis, Skiing, and Star Strike. This is a digital transfer […]
Check out this beautiful cover of the second level from Megaman 3 by Banjo Guy Ollie. If you want to compare to the original song, I’ve also included it below! [Banjo Guy Ollie]
Here is the reveal trailer of Dark Crystal Age of Resistance Tactics. The isometric strategy RPG will be based on the upcoming Dark Crystal prequel series that’s coming to Netflix in August and will be available on the Nintendo Switch. From what I can see, the game looks a bit like Final Fantasy Tactics. Check […]
Nintendo has just announced that a sequel to 2017’s “Zelda: Breath of the Wild” is currently in development for the Nintendo Switch! Apart from the trailer you see above, nothing is known about the game so far, not even an approximate release date. [Nintendo]
The upcoming Avengers game from Square Enix looks amazing! the only thing that looks a little out of place is the face of most of the Avengers, which look nothing like the faces of the actors portraying the heroes we all know and love. Marvel’s Avengers begins at A-Day, where Captain America, Iron Man, the […]
Mario discovers the joy of user made levels. [Dorkly]
Here is a surprise trailer that was revealed to a live audience during FINAL FANTASY VII – A Symphonic Reunion, the first concert dedicated entirely to FINAL FANTASY VII. FF VII is coming to the PS4 on 03/03/2020. [FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE]