Critical Failure D20 Now Available in Gorgeous Scorched Rainbow Metal Version!

We’ve posted about these “critical failure” dice sets in the past and they were a HUGE hit! Now, the creator has cooked up his most gorgeous set yet! Behold: Update: Also available in plenty of other colors! The perfect 25mm metal D20 for slaying princess, saving dragons, and trying desperately to seduce your way out […]

An Entertaining Commercial for the Mattel Intellivision Gaming Console (1982)

From Lathe26: From 1982, Mattel ran this advertisement in movie theaters for the Intellivision gaming console. It features a futuristic newscast that reports on news events that are actually demonstrating several Intellivision games. These games include: Space Battle, Night Stalker, Utopia, TRON Deadly Discs, Boxing, Tennis, Skiing, and Star Strike. This is a digital transfer […]