Cockatiel Sings the “Lost Woods” theme from Zelda: Ocarina of Time [Video]

Watch as this adorable cockatiel sings the “Lost Woods” theme from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of time with a bok choy leaf on his head. Voir cette publication sur Instagram Une publication partagée par Crumpet and Dumpling 🐦 (@crumpetdumpling) le 23 Févr. 2020 à 8 :23 PST

Pay What You Want for the Humble “Tabletop” Digital Board Games Bundle (And Support a Charity at The Same Time!)

The latest Humble Bundle offers up to 7 digital tabletop board games worth a total value of $105 for a fraction of the price! Some of the games included are Terraforming Mars, Slay the Spire, Armello, For The King, and more! If you want all the games featured in the bundle, you’ll have to pay […]

Mongolian Rock Band The Hu Perform Original Jedi: Fallen Order Song [Video]

If you’ve played Jedi: Fallen Order, you’ll recognize this song. Cal’s journey begins with him listening to Sugaan Essena, an original song from Mongolian band The Hu. That’s not Mongolian you’re hearing though, it’s a language created with the band that’s unique to Star Wars. It’s Cal’s favorite song for ship scrapping or galactic gladiator […]

PAY WHAT YOU WANT: Hardcore Game Dev Bundle

Consider coding your call of duty with the 10-course (108+ Hours) Hardcore Dev bundle! Pay what you want, and if that’s less than the average price people pay, you’ll still take home something great! Beat the average price ($15.14 as of now) and you’ll take home the entire bundle! What’s included with the full bundle: […]

Want to Start Playing D&D? The Core Rulebooks Gift Set is INCREDIBLY Cheap Right Now!

Please note that Geeks are Sexy might get a small commission from qualifying purchases done through our posts (as an Amazon associate or a member of other affiliate programs.) If you’re looking to start playing D&D, Amazon currently has The D&D Core Rulebook Gift Set, which includes the Players Handbook, the Dungeon Master’s Guide, the […]