Will Walmart Sell the iPhone for $99?

By Jimmy Rogers Contributing Writer, [GAS] In a bit of a surprising (yet not so surprising) move, Apple may be releasing a more economical iPhone for sale in Walmarts around the country.  This rumor comes from Kaufman Brothers, a technology market analyst group that believes a cheaper, lighter iPhone is “inevitable.”  The specifics are, of course, […]

Gadgets Dominate Black Friday (and Happy Cyber Monday!)

By Casey Lynn Contributing Writer, [GAS] Here’s a piece of trivia for you. Though now the term “Black Friday” (indicating the day after Thanksgiving in the US) has come to refer to the beginning of the period when retailers get back in the black (due to the heavy Christmas season shopping), that’s not the actual […]

iPhone Ocarina: Geekiest Musical Instrument Ever

By Casey Lynn Contributing Writer, [GAS] In a fit of boredom I decided to try out a bunch of iPhone apps yesterday, and have decided that Ocarina is a keeper. This is one of those concepts that really makes me wonder what the developer was thinking: (1) let’s turn the iPhone into a wind instrument […]

iPhone 2.2 Firmware Released Today!

By Jimmy Rogers Contributing Writer, [GAS] That’s right – yet another upgrade to the mighty JesusPhone.  Why do we report on this stuff?  Because people want to know, that’s why! iPhone users received an email today telling them to upgrade to firmware version 2.2.  It’s been a little while since a major upgrade was made, […]