Philips Launches 21:9 Television display

Even though 16:9 displays have become quite mainstream in 2009, support for this aspect ratio in the consumer market is only a few years old. Everyone loves watching widescreen movies – still, for some people, 16:9 still isn’t wide enough. Philips will soon be launching a new television set supporting an aspect ratio of 21:9 […]

Fish on a Volvo – A look at the Sashimi Tabernacle Choir

By Brian Boyko Contributing Writer, [GAS] In the first of what will hopefully be a series great videos on crazy inventions and crazy inventors, we take a look at the “Sashimi Tabernacle Choir.” Remember the “Big Mouth Billy Bass?” You’d press a button (or trigger a proximity sensor for a surprise) and the fish would […]

Vizio is Back in the News

By Will Sullivan Contributing Writer, [GAS] With profits declining, Vizio announced earlier this past year that it was determined to improve its “bargain basement” rep, and move more upscale, corporate-image-wise…so…they’ve trotted out a snazzy new logo that we rather like, but still have kept prices way low on their compelling new lineup, which we rather…love! […]

Sharp Debuts XV-Z15000 “Value” 1080p DLP Front Projector

By Will Sullivan Contributing Writer, [GAS] The under $3000 full-HD front projector space is hugely crowded, these days—almost exclusively by LCD projectors. Sharp is aiming to change that, offering a new “value” $2999 front PJ (However, it is much, much cheaper at!) based around Texas Instruments’ new 0.65″ DLP Digital Micro-mirror Device (DMD) chip. […]

All Things JVC – Japanese Victor Corp. Aiming To Become a Major CE Player, Again

By Will Sullivan Contributing Writer, [GAS] JVC has kept a relatively low consumer electronics profile in recent years—especially compared to its glory days—e.g. basically taking a “wait-and-see” attitude during the recent Blu-ray vs. HD-DVD format war, certainly failing to keep up with its competitors on most audio/video technologies. Their HDTV offerings have been less restrained […]

FREE Nationwide VoIP Long-distance with Ooma’s Telo Cordless Phone

By Will Sullivan Contributing Writer, [GAS] If you live in the U.S., how does “free long distance telephony” grab ya? If sales of the $20/yr. Magic Jack are any indication—the #1 “hottest holiday gadget” according to NPR’s gadget guy—then totally free VoIP LD oughta kick up a veritable buttload of interest. Boasting DECT 6.0 protocol […]