Wednesday Geeky Pics: A “Wii” Bit Geeky

By Casey Lynn Contributing Writer, [GAS] Whatever your opinion of the Wii as a gaming platform, one thing is for sure: it’s a lot more interesting to watch someone else playing a Wii than the more traditional videogame consoles. Not since the invention of the home DDR mat has there been such opportunity for spectator […]

Petaminx Dodecahedral Puzzle Will Drive You Insane

If you’re the kind of person who has trouble solving a Rubik’s Cute, then the following will probably turn you quite mad. The Petaminx is a face turning dodecahedral puzzle with 4 slices per face. It was completely custom-made by Jason Smith of, who will be putting it for auction later this week on […]

A Vision of the Future by Microsoft

This video, which shows what Microsoft thinks await us in the next decade, was presented a few days ago by Microsoft’s Business Division president Stephen Elop at the Wharton Business Conference. Now a lot of you will probably think that the presentation is nothing but eye candy, but in this case, I disagree. I really […]

Ringtones that unblock your runny nose?

A Japanese ringtone provider has recently started selling ringtones that, according to scientific studies, can unblock your stuffy, runny nose. The treatment, which is composed of various unmelodious sounds and vibrations, is applied by holding your mobile to the bridge of your nose for 30 seconds while it is ringing. These ringtones are apparently not […]

The Uncomb: For that untidy, unkempt, undone look that women love

Have you ever noticed that through the years, trends appear where when you’re a guy, looking like an unkempt slob actually becomes fashionable? During those times, achieving the perfect sexy geek look is easy; just don’t shave for a few days, and be sure to use the Uncomb! The Uncomb will allow you to have […]

VMWare Virtualizes Smartphones

In the following video demo, VMWare introduces their new virtual machine solution for smartphones. Just like their other virtualization products, this one will allow users to load multiple operating systems on a single mobile device. Unfortunately, for now, the product will only work on smartphones featuring processors of ARM Cortex-A8 or Cortex-A9 designs.