Eating the World’s Largest Cheeto Over the World’s Most Expensive Keyboard

Eating anything that crumbles over a keyboard is gross. Anyone who has managed a small or large fleet of office computers will agree with me. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, here’s a short experience that will enlighten you. Take your keyboard, put one of its extremities on your desk, and tap it […]

iPod Shuffle: the tiny device with the huge profits

BusinessWeek is reporting that Apple’s Shuffle 3G – retail price $79.99 – is made up of parts costing just $21.77. Those costs, which include the headphones and packaging, represent just 28% of the retail price, meaning the tiny device likely has a huge profit margin. To put things into context, the components of the first […]

Next-gen iPhone rumors include FM broadcasting and video editing

If the gossip-mill is true, the next incarnation of the iPhone and iPod touch will see the devices add “car stereo” and “moviemaker” to their repertoires. We reported recently that new generation models of both devices look to be in the works given the version numbers referenced in the newest edition of the iPhone operating […]