iPhone “Stalker” Ad Spoof
With over 50,000 apps in the Apple app store, there’s probably something to help you do whatever you want to do in there, including stalking your your ex boy/girlfriend. [Via Divine Caroline | Adam Thinks]
With over 50,000 apps in the Apple app store, there’s probably something to help you do whatever you want to do in there, including stalking your your ex boy/girlfriend. [Via Divine Caroline | Adam Thinks]
Remember when noise-isolating earphones didn’t exist, and as soon as you stepped in the subway, an annoying idiot always seems to be sitting right next to you, loudly playing his “music” in his earphones for everyone to hear, whether they liked it or not? While many earbuds are now sound tight, a manufacturer has found […]
The Infomercial Stopper is the only gadget that will rid your life of infomercial forever, guar-en-teed! [Via TechEblog]
No longer is Google Maps merely a tool for your cellphone. Now your cellphone is a tool for Google Maps. The firm says it now has enough users that it can give a good picture of traffic conditions by tracking the movements of their cellphones. If a large number of cellphones are in the same […]
Anyone who has ever got stuck in the traffic for several hours during a hot summer day will definitely relate to this guy. Warning: video contains strong language.
Bluetooth rotary phone handset This is either brilliant, pointless or just brilliantly pointless. It’s simply an old fashioned style telephone handset adapted to hook up to your cellphone via a Bluetooth connection. To be fair, using it in public is likely to have you committed to an institution. However, in the home, it could be […]
Luxury bus The background of this bus is something of a mystery, but be assured, it is genuine and has featured on British TV show Top Gear. This is not a possession of which our more environmentally aware readers will necessarily approve. And frankly much of its appeal comes from a combination of luxury and […]
Mercedes Benx S-Class 2007 No doubt this is a high-performance car with luxury status which would attract the interest of the most mainstream petrolhead. But it’s also got some features with particular geek appeal. The big one is an automated braking and control system. When you’re on the open road you set your desired speed […]
WiFi detector shirt With a list price of $29.99, this could spell an end to walking round city centers surreptitiously opening up your laptop and checking for WiFi signals before you commit to placing your latte order. The shirt glows to show both the presence of a WiFi signal and its strength. It’s powered by […]
Over the next week we’ll be bringing you ten of the most desirable geek possessions. Some are as cheap as a few bucks, some cost tens of thousands of dollars, and some are one-offs which aren’t for sale. But every one of them should have you thinking “I want one of those!” Gyroscopic pool table […]