Funktionide: The Robot Replacement for Human Contact

Hey everyone, meet my new friend, Funktionide. Based on EAP-technology, Funktionide is what its creator defines as an “emotional robot that substitutes human contact.” I don’t know about you guys, but waking up beside this scary-looking blob would probably freak me out more than anything. Nope, no thanks. And however warm and cozy this thing […]

New Verizon Commercial Spoofs iPhone Ad: “There’s a map for that.”

Apparently if you were watching the Vikings play the Packers on Monday Night Football (and weren’t taking a bathroom break during the commercials), you saw the new Verizon ad that spoofs Apple’s “there’s an app for that” campaign. Are you wondering why you (you, being the dude with the Verizon phone) can use all your […]

Jet-Powered Merry-Go-Round

Built by Brooklyn-based arts collective The Madagascar Institute, this Jet-Powered Merry-Go-Round had never been tested with real people on it, so Popular Mechanics’ Seth Porges “volunteered his life and limb to be the first human ever to take a jet-powered ride on this steam punk-inspired machine.” In case you want to skip the boring part, […]

iPod Nano with radio integration: too little too late?

I will confess, I haven’t thought about the radio much in the last few years. The only station I listen to in my car is an all-Classical station that doesn’t play commercials. When I’m not listening to WCPE, I’ve got my iPod Shuffle out and, most importantly, I have complete control over what I listen […]

10 Geeky Car Mods and Must-Have Accessories

So, your Geek Squad application was turned down, and now your dreams of driving the ultimate Geek-Mobile have vanished like Minovsky particles in the wind? No worries, here are 10 geeky car mods and must-have car accessories–listed in order of increasing awesomeness–that will make you forget all about the blank space on your door where […]

Wireless networks face off in electronic reader battle

Verizon is to provide wireless support for a new electronic reading device, produced by iRex. It means all three of the largest US wireless networks now have an involvement in the market. iRex already has two electronic readers, the iLiad and the Digital Reader 1000 series. However, the Verizon deal is for a forthcoming model, […]