Amateur Filmmakers, Behold: The Pico Dolly

The folks from made this amazing (and cheap!) miniature dolly that could really help put a new spin on your DSLR-shot home movies. Check this thing out: Pico Flex Dolly offers that oh so smooth tracking camera shots that look just like the big Hollywood productions, but without any of the hassles and constraints […]

Bid a bid a bid a bid a bid a bid a bid a bid a… BATMAN!

If you’re obsessed with Batman there’s an eBay listing that will interest you. If you’re obsessed with racing cars, there’s an eBay listing that will interest you. And if you’re obsessed with Batman and racing cars, you should be raiding your savings account right now. Unfortunately said account will need at least $620,000 if you […]

Epic Viking Helmet Features RGB LED Mohawk

OMG! This is the perfect helmet for everyone’s favorite online celebrity of olden: The Technoviking! A friend sprung this project on us at nearly the last minute…he wanted a light-up mohawk on his Viking helmet. Fortunately he already had the helmet, and we already had plenty of LEDs and raw materials. [Source: | Via]