Apple Does Fall Far in Mississippi

Mississippi residents are most likely to break an iPhone or iPad according to newly published figures. The figures come from Square Trade, a company that offers extended warranty policies for electronic devices. They take population into account and represent the expected proportion of policyholders making an accidental damage claim over a two year period. The […]

Wireless Charging Laptops by Intel

Wireless charging was something that was often mentioned in my Electrodynamics lectures, but something that was far from practical yet. Well Intel is ready to step up and push wireless charging into the future. While wireless charging has been used previously for charging smartphones (to what degree of success, perhaps some of our readers who have […]

Charge Your Phone as You Pedal

This BikeCharge Dynamo thing looks pretty cool, but I wonder if the wire that comes with the iPhone is long enough? Are Android mobile cords long enough for this? Features: Fits any spoked wheel. Charges any USB powered device. All-in-one design with bike light and power generator integrated in a stylish body. 3W 5.0V DC output. […]

Wolverine Claws Acquired

Got the yellow spandex and but can’t find that last touch for your wolverine outfit? Here’s a set of “adamantium” claws so you can create a more complete costume. Sadly, they are not made of indestructible metals, but indeed are actually made of plastic. But hey, be convincing enough and people will still run in terror.  [Get […]