Playing with Power: When a Nintendo Power Glove Becomes a Stop Motion Animation Tool

Dillon Markey, an animator that creates shorts for Robot Chicken and PES, needed a tool to help him work more efficiently, so along with the help of an electrical engineer, he modified a Nintendo Power Glove and transformed it in one of the most awesome animation tool ever. Check it out! [Ava Benjamin]

Thinkgeek’s Monster Winter Clearance – Hundreds of Items Starting at Just $4.99

As part of its New Year sale, Thinkgeek is offering hundreds of items starting at just $4.99 each, including A LOT of pretty sweet t-shirts, hoodies, geek toys, gadgets, and A LOT MORE! [Thinkgeek’s Monster Winter Clearance – Hundreds of Items Starting at Just $4.99] ———————–

The Year in News: What Happened Next (Stories From November-December 2014)

Concluding our look back at the stories we covered during 2014 and what happened next, we turn to November. The Unicode Consortium, which develops standards to make sure characters appear consistently across different software and systems, unveiled proposals for changes to emoji, a system of characters for expressing emotions. It suggested the option to choose between […]

The Year in News: What Happened Next (Stories From September-October 2014)

Continuing our look at the stories we covered in 2014 and subsequent developments, we turn to September. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani argued that blocking Internet access to cut down political protest was harming the country’s scientific progress. He also lifted a ban on broadband providers offering fast speeds on fixed lines and cellphone networks, something seen as […]

Fight Unsecured Wi-Fi Networks with this Glowing DIY Hobbit Sting Sword [Pic + Video]

Youtuber Spark IO has taken a toy Sting sword and combined it with a Spark Core to transform it into a tool that glows when there are unsecured wi-fi networks nearby. To celebrate the launch of the new Hobbit flick, we made a version of Sting that turns blue near unsecured Wi-Fi networks. And when […]