My ‘Hands-On’ Experience with A Hands Free Electric Scooter (That Is Essentially A Hoverboard)

This is called a hands free electric scooter. It is basically a Segway without handles, and about as close as we can possibly come right now to the existence of an actual hoverboard. A friend of mine procured six of them (you read that correctly) and wanted to see what I thought. So how do […]

The “Invisible” Man: A Super Cool Invisibility Trick Performed Using an Action Cam

To perform this trick, special effects artist Zach King used one of Sony’s awesome new 4K Action Cam (FDR-X1000VR) strapped to his back and pointing backward to create the illusion of partial invisibility by transferring the live footage on a screen strapped to his chest. The effect is quite convincing, don’t you think? King and […]

Want a Working ‘Star Trek’ Communicator? Someone Has Made It So! [PICS]

Better late than never, right?? Pre-orders are now being taken for this officially-licensed WORKING COMMUNICATOR, available at Thinkgeek for $149.95! According to The Next Web: It’s being created The Wand Company and is based on structured-light 3D scans of the an original prop. It’s made of pressed and die cast metal, aluminium and textured ABS. […]

Thinkgeek Summer Clearance: Save Up to 75% Off on Hundreds of Items!

Thinkgeek currently has a huge summer clearance sale where they’re offering up to 75% off on hundreds of items, from t-shirts to gadgets and kitchen items to geek toys. There are A LOT of stuff on sale, so be sure to check everything they have to offer! [Thinkgeek Summer Clearance: Save Up to 75% Off […]

You Must Own These Radio Controlled ‘Star Wars’ Vehicles

Imagine for a moment, seeing one of these bad boys flying by your window some night. Or rather, Imagine being the owner of some of these badass, radio controlled Star Wars vehicles? I mean, who HASN’T wanted to fly a Tie Fighter into the face of someone they despise, or perhaps through the window of […]

A Pileup Of Remote Control Vehicle Fails

You know how some people spend several thousands to buy a sweet remote controlled vehicle? Well the next time you meet someone like that, you should show them this video and remind them that sometimes, those really expensive toys meet really nasty endings. Nothing quite like watching the toy plane that cost you three paychecks […]

Hands On With the New Oculus Rift Headset (Available Q1 2016) [Video]

The final version of the Oculus Rift headset, or at least the first version that’s commercially available, will be available Q1 2016! The headset will come with integrated audio, a sensor and xBox One controller, and will work from the start with the Windows 10 OS. I really hope PS4 support will be offered at […]

SensorWake: Help Fund An Alarm Clock That Wakes You With Scents

Can you imagine what it would be like to wake up to the beautiful scent of a warm croissant every day instead of a buzzing alarm clock? Well, good news. Soon (hopefully) you can.  SensorWake, which is on Kickstarter right now, is the alarm clock we have all been dreaming about. It uses the waft […]