WANT: A Clock That Uses Ferrofluid to Display Time [Video]

This has to be one the most awesome and beautiful clock I’ve ever seen, but unfortunately, at 7500 euros per unit (excluding tax), they’re not exactly affordable. Ferrolic was designed from a strong fascination for the magical material Ferro Fluid. The natural dynamics of this fluid makes that this display bridges the gap between everyday […]

The Tesla Watch: A Splendid Chronometer From a More Elegant Time (Pics + Video)

From Thinkgeek: The Tesla Watch goes with your steampunk aesthetic. With a weathered-brass look on all the metal parts, this analog watch features a leather strap. The highlights of this design, however, are the two faux vacuum tubes with red LEDs inside that you can turn on and off with the flick of a switch. […]

SLIDE: The Lexus Hoverboard is Here! [Video]

A luxury car company that creates a hoverboard? Why not? Te Lexus uses magnetic levitation and nitrogen-cooled superconductors to get its hoverboard in the air. Creating SLIDE required re-engineering core technologies and uncovering true technical innovations. From assembling maglev technology into a board, to finding the right combination of superconductors, magnets and liquid nitrogen – […]