Ouch: Mike Tyson on a “Hoverboard” [Video]

Mike Tyson’s daughter got a “hoverboard” for Christmas and her dad thought it would be a great idea to try it out for a few seconds. Here’s the painful result: Seemed like a good idea to ride my daughter #milantyson #cyboard #hoverboard but guess not… pic.twitter.com/Cjn4s22E5l — Mike Tyson (@MikeTyson) December 29, 2015 Oh, and […]

The Year in News: What Happened Next (Stories From September-October 2015)

We continue our look back at 2015’s news and subsequent developments with September and October. Insider reports revealed Amazon was working on a low-spec tablet computer which would cost just $50. That proved correct, though that price was only if you took up the “Special Offers” option, meaning advertisements appear on the lock screen. Reviews suggested […]

Disney’s New VertiGo Robot Can Climb Walls Just like a Gecko [Video]

VertiGo is a wall-climbing robot that is capable of transitioning from the ground to the wall, created in collaboration between Disney Research Zurich and ETH. The robot has two tiltable propellers that provide thrust onto the wall, and four wheels. One pair of wheels is steerable, and each propeller has two degrees of freedom for […]

The Year in News: What Happened Next (Stories From May-June 2015)

We continue our look back at 2015’s news and subsequent developments with May. The makers of Oculus Rift said the virtual reality device — already available in a primitive developer form — would be on public sale in 2016. It later confirmed a first quarter public release with a price confirmed only as being more than […]

The Year in News: What Happened Next (Stories From March-April 2015)

We continue our look back at 2015’s news and subsequent developments with March when Sony revealed that its virtual reality helmet codenamed Project Morpheus would be released in the first half of 2016. Sadly there’s little more in the way of firm details to report, other than that the finished product will be known simple […]

The Year in News: What Happened Next (Stories From January-February 2015)

It’s time once again to take a look back at some of the news stories we’ve covered here at GaS in 2015 as well as following up on later developments. In January the Mars rover Opportunity began suffering problems with the flash memory which it used to store data before sending it back to Earth whenever […]

This Insanely Expensive and Very *REAL* Hoverboard is Up for Pre-Order! [VIDEO]

Yes, we’re talking about an actual hoverboard here that can float on top any surfaces, including water, not that magnetic gimmick from Lexus. This thing can float thanks to 36 powerful fans, which are generating 430 pounds of downward thrust, and run for about 6 minutes before its batteries run out of juice. ARCA Space […]

FREE EBooks: The Ultimate Raspberry Pi eBook Bundle, Arduino Home Automation Projects and MORE!!!

Just a quick post to let you guys know about these free eBooks that we currently offer in partnership with tradepub. There’s a lot of interesting stuff in there, so be sure to check ’em all out! -FREE: The Ultimate Raspberry Pi eBook Bundle (Over $90 Value) -FREE: Arduino Home Automation Projects (A $9.99 Value) […]