Fiber is your bodyโ€™s natural guide to weight management โ€“ rather than cutting carbs out of your diet, eat them in their original fiber packaging instead

Whole foods like unprocessed fruits, vegetables and grains are typically high in fiber. Tanja Ivanova/Moment via Getty Images Christopher Damman, University of Washington Fiber might just be the key to healthy weight management โ€“ and nature packages it in perfectly balanced ratios with carbs when you eat them as whole foods. Think unprocessed fruits, vegetables, […]

Why do we have crooked teeth when our ancestors didnโ€™t? [Science Video]

According to the fossil record, ancient humans usually had straight teeth, complete with wisdom teeth. In fact, the dental dilemmas that fuel the demand for braces and wisdom teeth extractions today appear to be recent developments. So, what happened? While itโ€™s nearly impossible to know for sure, scientists have a hypothesis. G. Richard Scott shares […]

Inside the Jelly Belly Candy Factory: How Jelly Beans Are Made

From Popular Mechanics: In this episode of โ€œMade Here,โ€ weโ€™re taking you to Fairfield, California, to see how Jelly Belly makes 1,680 jelly beans per second. First produced in 1976 with just eight flavors, Jelly Belly now offers more than 100 varieties from traditional flavors like Very Cherry to more controversial flavors like Buttered Popcorn.

What Ever Happened to Surge? The ’90s Most Extreme Soda [Video]

Weird History is taking you back to the ’90s for a big ol’ can of Surge. Have you ever been browsing the insufficiently extreme soda aisle at your local grocery store and found yourself wondering, “What ever happened to Surge, one of the most extreme caffeinated soft drinks of the 1990s?” Well, you’re not alone. […]

Behold: The Mandalorian Made Out of Flan! – It’s the Flandalorian!

Twitter user The Mad Maker made Din Djarin out of flan, hence his new name: The Flandalorian! For those who’ve never tasted a flan, the dessert is a firm custard topped with caramel sauce. This is the flan! Here’s a video of the delicious creation jiggling to the beat of the theme song: @martyimmortal Improved […]