Black Plastic Utensils: The Hidden Health Risks in Your Kitchen

Black Plastic Ustelsils Can Be Hazardous

Ever heard that cooking with black plastic utensils might not be the best choice for your health? If you’re even a little worried about things like microplastics in your food, you might want to rethink using that black plastic spatula or spoon in the kitchen. Here’s why: Some black plastics aren’t just regular plastic—they might […]

Making a Snickers bar is a complex science − a candy engineer explains how to build the airy nougat and chewy caramel of this Halloween favorite

From their caramel centers to chocolatey coatings, several widely used candy-making processes go into the production of a single Snickers bar. NurPhoto / Contributor via Getty Images Richard Hartel, University of Wisconsin-Madison It’s Halloween. You’ve just finished trick-or-treating and it’s time to assess the haul. You likely have a favorite, whether it’s chocolate bars, peanut […]

Sriracha Science: The Fiery Chemistry Behind Your Tongue’s Favorite Torture

Sriracha Sauce and Deadpool

Ever wondered what makes Sriracha the spicy superhero of sauces? This saucy little devil is equal parts science experiment and flavor explosion, turning humble chilies into a condiment that somehow manages to go with everything. Let’s dive into the chemistry that transforms this red delight into a must-have condiment, otherwise known as the “Get-on-Everything Sauce.” […]

Monster Wine: Fermenting Bad Ideas Into Something… Delicious?

Ever wonder what would happen if you took the power of Monster Energy Drink and turned it into an alcoholic beverage? Well, one creative brewer at Golden Hive Mead did just that, and the result is something truly unique—Monster Wine! After multiple experiments and some serious trial and error, he discovered that some of Monster’s […]

Forks Are Overrated: Caffeinated Ramen in a Tube for Gamers

Just when you thought the world had reached its peak weird-food milestone, Japan says, “Hold my ramen… in a squeeze tube.” Introducing Boost Noodle, the caffeinated ramen for those who think taking a break to eat is for casuals. This portable snack allows you to slurp noodles with one hand while annihilating noobs with the […]

Why Letting Pineapple ‘Ripen’ on Your Counter Is a Mistake

Pineapple Ripening Chart

Ever wondered why a pineapple sitting on your counter turns yellow but doesn’t actually ripen? In the latest MinuteFood video, the host dives into this common misconception, explaining how a pineapple, unlike some fruits, just gets worse over time rather than better. The decline starts as soon as it’s picked, despite how it looks. Curious […]

Today’s Hottest Deals: $3.99 27-in-1 Precision Screwdriver Set, Retro Mechanical Gaming Keyboard, OREO Coca-Cola Sandwich Cookies, and More!

Precision Screwdriver Deal

For today’s edition of “Deal of the Day,” here are some of the best deals we stumbled on while browsing the web this morning! Please note that Geeks are Sexy might get a small commission from qualifying purchases done through our posts. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. –27 in 1 Precision […]