IT NOW EXISTS: FLAMIN’ HOT Cheetos Mountain Dew

For those of you who love both Mountain Dew and FLAMIN’ HOT Cheetos, here’s something that might interest you! Starting August 31, 2021, PepsiCo will release a new version of Mountain Dew flavored with, you guessed, it, FLAMIN’ HOT Cheetos! Yeah, I know, no one really asked for this, but I’d taste it anyways, just […]

Today’s Hottest Deals: Save Big on APC 1500VA Battery Backup & Surge Protector, 4-in-1 Air Fryer, Kindle Paperwhite eReader, and MORE!

For today’s edition of “Deal of the Day,” here are some of the best deals we stumbled on while browsing the web this morning! Please note that Geeks are Sexy might get a small commission from qualifying purchases done through our posts (as an Amazon associate or a member of other affiliate programs.) –Instant Vortex […]

Recreating the “Death by Chocolate” Éclair from The Simpsons in Real Life [Video]

This week, we’re headed back to Springfield to take a look at a deadly dessert: La Bombe, a premeditated éclair with 25 pounds of butter per square inch, chocolate so dark light cannot escape its surface, and a staggering 1 million calories. We can’t break the rules of…well, physics, but can we make an equally […]

Rations for Dungeons and Dragon Role-Playing Game Races [Gallery]

Check out this series of delicious looking trail ration that imgur user wats6831 put together to illustrate what various races from the Dungeons and Dragons universe eat while on the road! “Welcome all Forgotten Realms, food, D&D and RPG fans! Ever get tired of seeing “iron rations” or “trail rations” on your character sheet? Ever […]

These Zombie, Robot, and Monster Ice Pop Molds Will Make Monsterlicious Frozen Treats

Looking to bring a little fun into your life this summer? Why not make frozen treats in the shape of monsters? These flexible silicone ice pop molds are just perfect for that, and they come in many shapes! You can even recreate your favorite zombies vs. robots fight scenes using these! Zombies Pop Molds Monster […]

Introducing the Heineken BOT Robot (Beer Outdoor Transporter) [Video]

When you’re on vacation, you shouldn’t have to carry your beer around yourself, even if it’s in a cooler that’ll keep it ice cold. Coolers are heavy, and even more so when they’re filled with beer. To remedy that situation, Heineken came up with a solution that will change society as we know it forever: […]