Breaking News: Someone Just Paid $87,840 for a Crunchy Dust Stick Shaped Like Charizard


Goldin Some people invest in stocks. Others buy real estate. And then there are those who drop $87,840 on a three-inch Flamin’ Hot Cheeto because it kinda looks like Charizard. Yes, this is real life. Dubbed Cheetozard, this legendary snack first emerged from a bag of spicy goodness sometime between 2018 and 2022. A collectible […]

What Is Worcestershire Sauce Made Of? Rotten Fish Never Tasted So Good!

No Name Worcestershire Sauce

Ah Worcestershire sauce, the magical elixir that somehow makes your Bloody Mary better and gives your steak that savory kick. But here’s the thing: it’s fermented fish. Yep, folks, when you ask for Worcestershire sauce, you’re basically requesting a splash of aged fish juice in your drink. Let that sink in. The origins of Worcestershire […]

What Is Blue Raspberry Flavor Made Of? The History and Flavor Lab Breakdown

Blue Raspberry Flavor

Ah, blue raspberry—because apparently, regular raspberries just weren’t cool enough. This flavor, with its electric hue and sugar overload, has a backstory that’s way more complicated than you’d expect. It started in the ’50s when a snow cone company decided to invent a “blue raspberry” to avoid getting sued for using a questionable red dye. […]

Lick the Dishes, Headbang the Flavor: Bloodywood’s Epic Tadka Music Video is Here!

If you thought metal was all about headbanging and rage, think again – Bloodywood’s new music video for Tadka proves that metal and food are the ultimate power couple! Forget about mosh pits; this time, the battle is in the kitchen, and the weapon of choice is flavor. It’s Indian food meets metal, and it’s […]

This Comment Section Is a Dumpster Fire

The Comments Section

What if the internet was a real-life arena of complete and utter chaos? Meat & Livestock Australia’s latest lamb ad brings that vision to life, complete with a horde of bickering commenters shouting about everything from fake news to whether milk goes in tea first. It’s the most chaotic comment section ever, with people hurling […]

Is MSG Bad for You? Science Says Relax and Pass the Soy Sauce


MSG, or monosodium glutamate, has been accused of being toxic, headache-inducing, and downright evil for years. But is it really the bad guy of the culinary world, or just a misunderstood flavor superhero? Let’s dive into the science. What is MSG, Anyway? MSG is a flavor enhancer that boosts the savory goodness—called umami—in your food. […]

Second Breakfast and Beyond: Exploring Food’s Role in Tolkien’s World

Exploring Food’s Role in Tolkien’s World

J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings is celebrated for its intricate world-building, deeply rooted in language, mythology, and culture. But let’s not overlook one of Middle-earth’s most essential ingredients: food. Yes, Tolkien’s epic saga might feature battles, magic, and heroic quests, but it’s also a culinary adventure worthy of a Michelin guide. Who knew […]

How Beef Fat and Science Made McDonald’s Fries Your Snack Soulmate

Whether you’re diving into a Big Mac, crunching on McNuggets, or questioning life choices with a Filet-O-Fish, there’s one universal truth: you’re getting fries with that. But what makes McDonald’s fries the crispy golden unicorns of fast food? It all started in 1949 with a pair of brothers, a pile of potatoes, and the San […]

Hangovers happen as your body tries to protect itself from alcohol’s toxic effects

A night of revelry can mean an uncomfortable day after. Everett Collection/ Daryl Davies, University of Southern California; Joshua Silva, University of Southern California, and Terry David Church, University of Southern California Debaucherous evening last night? You’re probably dealing with veisalgia right now. More commonly known as a hangover, this unpleasant phenomenon has been dogging […]