Vote for Us: Geeks are Sexy Nominated as Part of Entrepreneur’s Top 100 .Net Sites of the Web

A few days ago, I learned that Geeks are Sexy has been nominated as part of the Entrepreneur and Verisign’s Top 100 .Net Sites of the Web list, and I need your help to reach the #1 spot! Just follow this link and vote by following the instructions provided on the page. Naturally, you don’t […]

Geektastic Articulated Statues: Famous People as Star Wars Characters [Pics]

Seattle-based artist Mike Leavitt has recently created a series of articulated wooden statues featuring famous people, dead or alive, as Star Wars characters. As you see (above and below,) his approach is rather unique and makes a statement, both serious and humorous at the same time, on the personality of each subject. โ€œEmpire Peaksโ€ is […]