A First Look at Twelfth’s (Peter Capaldi) Costume [Pic]

The BBC just Tweeted this picture of the outfit Peter Capaldi will be wearing as the Twelfth Doctor! From the official press release: Sporting a dark blue Crombie coat with red lining, dark blue trousers, a white shirt as well as black Dr. Marten shoes, the look was created by Doctor Who costume designer Howard […]

3D Printing Goes Multi-Color, Multi-Material

The company behind the MakerBot 3D printer has launched a model that can handle multiple colors and materials in one print run. Stratasys’s new machine costs $330,000 and is very much aimed at making practical objects rather than novelty items. Where normal 3D printers use a single stream of material, Objet500 Connex3 uses jets that […]

Awesome New Trailer for Disney’s Maleficent: DREAM [Movie Trailer]

An awesome new trailer for Disney’s Maleficent. Enjoy! “Maleficent” explores the untold story of Disneyโ€™s most iconic villain from the 1959 classic Sleeping Beauty and the elements of her betrayal that ultimately turn her pure heart to stone. Driven by revenge and a fierce desire to protect the moors over which she presides, Maleficent (Jolie) […]

SO TRUE: 15 Things That Inevitably Happen When You Work In An Office [Video]

OMG! True, true, true, all true!!! This was my life from June 1998 to June 2011, and I kind of miss it… a little. I especially miss my friends, who I still see on occasions, but not that often. Everyone has a life and a family outside office hours after all. Working for yourself at […]

Happy Birthday Opportunity: 10 Years on Mars Today! [NASA Video]

Happy birthday Opportunity! On the same day 10 years ago, you first landed on Mars, and even though your initial mission was supposed to last only 90 days, you’re still going on strong after all these years! Two Mars Exploration Rovers, Spirit and Opportunity, landed on the Red Planet in January, 2004, on a 90-day […]

Ladies: Watch This Video of Tom Hiddleston Shirtless and Sword Fighting

Since I know quite a few of you really like Tom Hiddleston, I thought you’d all appreciate this video featuring the actor without a shirt, sword fighting, and then somehow pumping his arm muscles (but unfortunately, not all at the same time.) Yes, yes. You’re all very welcome. [DonmarWarehouse | Via]

Facebook Mocks Predictions of its Doom

Two Princeton researchers have forecast that Facebook will lose 80 percent of its users by 2017. Facebook has responded by poking fun at the methodology and making its own forecast that Princeton will disappear by 2021, with the human population lasting only four decades beyond that. John Cannarella and Joshua A Spechler make their forecast […]

This Geek Hates Big Bang Theory With a Passion, Do You?

We’ve occasionally posted about The Big Ban Theory here on Geeks are Sexy, and each time we do, a certain number of you start vehemently protesting against the show. The opinions are pretty mixed though, some like it as light entertainment, and other see TBBT as something that anyone with a head on his shoulder […]

Uh-Oh: The Black Hole Science Rap [Science Music Video]

An awesome new science-themed rap by my pal Michael Wilson aka Coma Niddy explaining how black holes aren’t really dangerous per se, what we really need to worry about is being caught in the event horizon, leading inexorably to death by spaghettification. Speaking of spaghettification, black holes are probably entry points to the plane of […]