Mark Hamill’s Favorite Star Wars Fan Moments [Video]

Here are some of Mark Hamill’s (Luke Skywalker) favorite Star Wars fan moments. In case you want to see them all in their integrity, I’ll add them below for your viewing convenience. Oh, and thanks to this video, you could win a chance to visit skywalker ranch with a friend! To participate, just follow this […]

15 Epic Male Cosplayers You Need to Check Out Today!

For each good picture of a male cosplayer you find online, there’s plenty more featuring females. However, today, I’m looking to change all that by featuring 15 guys who really know what they’re doing when it comes to cosplay. For the sake of diversity, I’ve picked male cosplayers from all around the globe, from the […]

A 15-Minute Preview of Game of Thrones (Season 4) [Video]

Take a look back and a look forward to the fourth season of the hit HBO series, the show features clips from upcoming episodes, behind-the-scenes-footage, interviews with talent, and cast members’ answers to questions posed by fans. And in the meantime, you can always pre-order Season 3, which is coming out on the 18th, on […]

Windows XP Resists Death Sentence

The proportion of people using Windows XP actually rose in January. It may be little more than a statistical quirk, but the underlying story is what happens when Microsoft pulls the plug on support in barely two months. The figures come from NetMarketShare and are based on computers used to visit sites hosted by its […]