Giant “Cosplay is Not Consent” Sign at New York City Comic Con (NYCC)

For those attending NYCC this year, there’s a large “Cosplay is not Consent” sign greeting people as they enter the con. The sign says: Please keep your hands to yourself. If you would like to take a picture with or of another NYCC fan, always ask first and respect that person’s right to say no. […]

The Fantastic Cosplay Photography of Lexa One [Picture Gallery]

Lexa One is a Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec, Canada-based photographer that brings a unique and beautiful touch to cosplay photography. I know a few people who hired Lexa for private photo shoots and they were all highly enchanted by the experience, so if you are based in the province of Quebec and are looking for a highly […]

Blue LED Creators Get Nobel Prize in Physics

The men who first created blue LEDs have won the Nobel Prize for physics. The blue light was necessary for more energy-efficient bulbs and displays. Although working LEDs have been around for more than 50 years, not all colors became available at the same time. That’s because LEDs work by a semiconductor material glowing a […]

This Rogue Cosplay is Beyond Amazing [Gallery]

Ryoko Demon does what is probably the best Rogue cosplay I’ve seen. Everything is just perfect in these pictures: the model, the costumes, the photography. The same goes for her partner in one of the pictures: that Mystique looks totally amazing! [Source: Ryoko Demon | Mystique Cosplay by Rei | Photography by Kifir | R&R […]

Super Fun Cosplay Music Video from Montreal Comic Con 2014

Another awesome cosplay music video from Montreal Comic Con 2014. This one was filmed with a Canon 7D and a Flycam Nano and edited in Adobe Premiere and FX done with After Effects. If you’ve missed our geektastic picture galleries from Montreal Comic Con 2014, be sure to check ’em out right here: PART I […]

Star Wars + Sia’s Chandelier = WTF Did I just Watch? [Parody Video]

Youtuber Eddie King just sent me this and… well… words escape me to describe how brilliant this video is. GENIUS! When Han Solo was about to be placed in carbonite, he told Chewie to take care of Princess Leia. What happened after that was almost a love story for the ages. Almost. [teddiefilms]

GEEKGASM: The Batmobile is Hidden Under the New Millennium Falcon! [Video]

Star Wars + Batman = WIN! According to a Youtuber commentator: For those who are confused as to why the Batmobile is on there, it’s because Zack Snyder and JJ Abrams have this Star Wars/Batman crossover twitter game going on. Check out Zack’s twitter to see his entries. Here’s what Zack Snyder recently tweeted: [Bad […]