New Solo ‘Batman’ Film Rumored To Be In Works With Affleck to Direct

We all knew this news was inevitable. They are not just going to cast a new Batman and Joker and then put them into side movies (Suicide Squad, Dawn of Justice). We all figured this was the start of a new Batman franchise. What might make the news upsetting to some who have been against […]

Thinkgeek Summer Clearance: Save Up to 75% Off on Hundreds of Items!

Thinkgeek currently has a huge summer clearance sale where they’re offering up to 75% off on hundreds of items, from t-shirts to gadgets and kitchen items to geek toys. There are A LOT of stuff on sale, so be sure to check everything they have to offer! [Thinkgeek Summer Clearance: Save Up to 75% Off […]

You Must Own These Radio Controlled ‘Star Wars’ Vehicles

Imagine for a moment, seeing one of these bad boys flying by your window some night. Or rather, Imagine being the owner of some of these badass, radio controlled Star Wars vehicles? I mean, who HASN’T wanted to fly a Tie Fighter into the face of someone they despise, or perhaps through the window of […]

Hackerman From ‘Kung Fury’ Releases Tutorial On How To Hack Time

If you saw the wonderful, brilliant, hilarious movie we posted last week, Kung Fury, then you certainly remember the character of Hackerman. His computer skills were all but unrivaled, and without him on the team, they would not have been able to achieve the time traveling which was an essential element to their journey. But […]