YES: Symphony of Science is back! – BEYOND THE HORIZON (Ft. Neil DeGrasse Tyson And Bill Nye) [Video]

This amazing song was created by melodysheep of “Symphony of Science” fame in collaboration with The Planetary Society as part of their 35th anniversary celebration. Bill Nye, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Emily Lakdawalla and Carl Sagan reflect humanity’s next frontier: beyond the horizon. If you like what we’re doing here at Geeks are Sexy, be sure […]

World, Here is Canada’s Newest Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, Member of the Rebel Alliance

Didn’t you know, Justin Trudeau got caught as a member of the Rebel Alliance by the Galactic Empire back in 2012 at Montreal Comic Con? Here’s the proof. Yes, this is truly Canada’s newest Prime Minister as of today. (No, but seriously, Justin Trudeau is the leader of the Liberal Party of Canada, not of […]

The Amazing Cosplay of Quebec City Comiccon 2015 – Part I

This year marked the second edition of Quebec City Comiccon, and as with last year, the convention was absolutely fantastic! Plus, Quebec City is among the most beautiful cities you can visit in Canada, so traveling to the Capital of the province is always something I look forward to. I’m usually alone when covering conventions […]

Nearly A Million Facebook Users ‘Come Out’ In A Year

Facebook reports 800,000 Americans “came out” on the site in the past year. The actual numbers may be affected by Facebook’s chosen definition, but there’s clearly a social trend this year. The number covers both sexuality and gender. The Facebook research team put together the figures by compiling the number of people each day who […]