WARCRAFT: The Official Full Length Movie Trailer is HERE! [Video]

FOR THE HORDE! The peaceful realm of Azeroth stands on the brink of war as its civilization faces a fearsome race of invaders: Orc warriors fleeing their dying home to colonize another. As a portal opens to connect the two worlds, one army faces destruction and the other faces extinction. From opposing sides, two heroes […]

Dying Star Wars Fan Gets Advance Screening #ForceForDaniel

A terminally ill man has enjoyed a private screening of The Force Awakens following a successful social media campaign. Mark Hamill was among those who called for Disney to let Daniel Fleetwood see the new Star Wars movie before its official release next month. The 31-year-old Fleetwood is dying of an aggressive lung cancer named […]

HALLOWEEN 2015: Geeks are Sexy Readers’ Costumes Picture Gallery

Once again this year, I asked you guys to send in pictures of your Halloween costumes, and as usual, you delivered! Unfortunately, I received over 200 photos, so I just can’t post them all, but here’s a selection of some of my favorites for your viewing pleasure! Pictured above: Per H. as a scary Ronald […]

Artist Brings Disney Characters to Life [Gallery]

Finnish artist Jirka Väätäinen has created a series of illustrations for “Oh My Disney” portraying Disney villains as what they would look like in real life, and I have to say, the result is quite convincing. And here are a few standalone pieces by the artist himself. These are heroes, not villains. [Source: Oh My […]