May The Fourth Be With You: Happy Star Wars Day!

I don’t want to stereotype here and say that all geeks are excited about today, but I’m willing to bet that a fair number of you have May 4th marked on the calendar, just like Grandma’s birthday and that long-awaited game release. (Half-Life 3, anyone? Sigh.) For those of you who have a smartphone, there’s […]

HUGE Tabletop Gaming Sale for International Tabletop Day – Up to 70% Off!

Did you know that today is International Tabletop Day? For the occasion, Thinkgeek is holding a huge sale, offering some big rebates (up to 70% off!) on over 150 games and accessories. The sale includes some very popular and fun titles such as Jim Henson’s The Dark Crystal board game, Bears vs. Babies, Exploding Kittens, […]

Thinkgeek’s May the Fourth Star Wars Sale is Already Live!

Sure, Star Wars day isn’t here yet, but the folks from Thinkgeek have decided to launch their “May the Fourth” sale today. They’re offering up to 80% off on HUNDREDS of geektastic items from a galaxy far, far away! There’s a lot of stuff over there, from t-shirts, to gadgets, toys, and much, much more! […]

ALMOST OVER: Our Tees are Currently Priced at Just $14 Each! [T-Shirt Sale!]

Update: There’s just a few hours remaining to the sale! Just a quick post to let you guys know that we’ve just started our t-shirt sale for this month! For just a few days all our tees are priced at just $14 each! Whatever fandom you’re into, I’m sure we have something that will be […]

Final Deadpool 2 Trailer Shows the Full X-Force Team

This is my favorite Deadpool 2 trailer so far. I laughed so much I almost peed in my pants. Deadpool to Cable: So dark… you’re sure you’re not from the DC universe? After surviving a near fatal bovine attack, a disfigured cafeteria chef (Wade Wilson) struggles to fulfill his dream of becoming Mayberry’s hottest bartender […]

Geektastic Star Trek TOS and TNG Swimsuits for Men… and Women!

For the past few years, Thinkgeek has been releasing Star Trek themed swimsuits for ladies, but us men have always been left out… that is, until now! Today, Thinkgeek has introduced a line of Star trek TOS and TNG swimsuits for men, available in gold, red, or blue, in sizes small to 3XL! You’re sure […]