Montreal Mini-Comiccon 2018: Where the Holidays Meet Cosplay

Each year, the folks behind Montreal Comiccon organize a free holiday version of the event (Montreal Mini-Comiccon) where cosplayers and shoppers alike meet to partake in a celebration of pop culture and joy. Naturally, my beloved and I were on site to photograph your favorite characters in Christmas attire. Here is our picture gallery of […]

This Funko POP! Harry Potter Advent Calendar Features 24 Harry Potter POP! figures!

Update: Out of Stock at Thinkgeek, but AMAZON Has them! This has to be one of the greatest advent calendar we’ve ever seen! 24 days, 24 Harry Potter Funko POP! figures! In anticipation of your own holiday feast, countdown to Christmas, Harry Potter-style, with this Funko POP! Harry Potter Advent Calendar. It includes 24 little […]

RIP Stan Lee (December 28, 1922 – November 12, 2018)

It is with great sadness that we must report that Stan Lee died earlier today at the age of 95. An ambulance was called to his home this morning and he was rushed to the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center where he died according to TMZ. Stan Lee (born Stanley Martin Lieber, December 28, 1922 – November […]

Dungeon Mayhem: A Fun Dungeons and Dragons Card Game for 2 to 4 players

If you’re a fan of Dungeons and Dragons and are Looking for a fun new game to play during the holiday season, look no further! Wizard of the Coast has just unveiled Dungeon Mayhem, an easy to learn D&D card game for two to four player! Each player starts by choosing one of four iconic […]

The Spectacular Cosplay of Blizzcon 2018 [Picture Gallery]

Since 2005, Blizzard has been holding their very own convention to promote most of its major franchises to the public, and once again, they’re back this year with the 2018 edition of the con! We’ve been posting pictures of cosplayers attending the event for the past few years, and this year, we’d like to thank […]

How It Feels With Social Anxiety [Comic]

In this comic, Shea Strauss from College Humor illustrates how people suffering from social anxiety interpret some common situations they have to face on a daily basis. As someone who lives with a formerly anxious person (a lot less now, thanks to therapy,) I can confirm that all of these represent reality quite well. Even […]

The Geektastic Cosplay of Quebec Comiccon 2018 – Part I [Picture Gallery]

As we’ve been doing for a few years now, me (The curly haired viking in the pictures) and my beloved partner in crime (Princess Solo) were on location to cover Quebec City’s main pop culture event of the year: Quebec Comiccon! This year, the convention was designed for families, but as always, local cosplayers showed […]

Bill Gates Breaks Down 6 Moments From His Life

Bill Gates reflects on six important moments from his life and career, from teaching students to program in high school to his relationships with Melinda Gates, Warren Buffett, and Paul Allen, co-founder of Microsoft, who passed away on October 15. This video was recorded on August 31, prior to Mr. Allen’s passing, and had previously […]

The Cosplay of New York Comic Con 2018 [Picture Gallery]

As they’ve doing since the con’s inauguration in 2006, geeks from all around the world have gathered last weekend in New York City to attend one of the biggest pop culture conventions in North America: The 2018 edition of New York Comic Con! Naturally, cosplayers were there to showcase their beautiful costume, and some dedicated […]