Amazing Recreation of the Obi Wan vs. Darth Vader Fight Scene from a New Hope

Ok, if you just have one thing to watch on Youtube today, this has to be it. Animator FXitinPost has recreated the complete fight scene between Obi Wan Kenobi and Darth Vader, and it is very impressive! The artist has previously released part of the fight on his channel, but this is the complete scene. […]

May the 4th Be With You: A Tribute to Star Wars Cosplayers [Gallery]

Here at Geeks are Sexy, we’ve been covering pop culture conventions, and especially the amazing cosplayers attending those cons, since 2011. Costumes are like fads, they come and go, but there is one theme that never goes out of style: Star Wars. Here is our tribute to all you fantastic Star wars cosplayers out there! […]

Let it Roll: Five Ways to Let Loose and Have Fun Playing Tabletop RPGs

One of the most common questions I get asked about having a weekly D&D group is how to start it in the first place. Unfortunately, there’s no easy answer to that. But what some people fail to see, I think, is that even when you have a group it doesn’t mean instant success. Once you’ve […]

Holy Crap: Duo Recreates The Battle Of Helm’s Deep using 150,000 LEGO Bricks [Pics]

This mind-blowingly huge and incredibly detailed recreation of the battle of Helm’s Deep was made in about 4 months by Rich-K & Big J using 150,000 LEGO blocks and 1,700 minifigs. The whole thing weighs about 160 pounds and is the size of a ping-pong table. [Source: Goelkim2011 on Flickr | Goel Kim on Mocpages […]

Captain Marvel: Sometimes, Timing is Everything

I went back to work yesterday… Writing for this website is a hobby for me. In real life, I’m that crazy teacher that wears superhero t-shirts with cute skirts and high heels that climbs on desks while playing the ukulele. It’s been 16 years of this crazy fun lifestyle. My first 11 years with high […]

Geek-It 2019: A New Pop Culture Convention in Montreal [Picture Gallery]

Geek-It 2019: A new type of convention! Your two favorite geeks covered this first-time convention based on new technologies and E-Sports while chasing our six kids around (and yet we still manage date nights many times a week once everyone is sleeping ;) ) Thanks to a great event, our geeklings not only behaved but […]