Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2: First Official Trailer [Video]
Yeah, that trailer we posted a few weeks ago was a fake apparently, but this one is the real deal, geeks. Enjoy the show!
Yeah, that trailer we posted a few weeks ago was a fake apparently, but this one is the real deal, geeks. Enjoy the show!
Yeah, we know, Rebecca Black’s Friday really sucks, but this version from the folks at Teddie Films is actually a little better. Check it out. Oh, and yes, Primeday is actually the name of a real day in the Star Wars universe. [Youtube]
Scientist recently discovered that a rabbit as large as the Easter Bunny actually existed. Although it didn’t poop candy or give people type 2 diabetes, it was over six times the size of nature’s current cuddly little throw pillows. A recent study published in the Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology reports that fossils of these tubby […]
Artist John Karpinsky, also known as “Captain Magnificent” on Etsy, made these pretty awesome illustrations combining his love of Star Wars and the cultural influence that his wife’s last job (at a mostly Hispanic school) had on him. Please note that all these illustations are available for purchase at John’s Etsy Shop. [Captain Magnificent – […]
Even though I don’t have a big thing for stamps like my pal Mark O’Neill, this new series of stamps from UK’s Royal Mail are definitely geek-worthy and worth a mention on this site. [Via TDW]
Hey geeks, check out this incredible Battlestar Galactica PC by bit-tech member Boddaker. Among all the cool features of the case, what is probably the coolest one is that front side-loading optical drive, which is located behind a semi-transparent BSG medallion, allowing people to see discs inside the system while they’re spinning. Hit the jump […]
By Phil Haney Guest Blogger There have been many battles throughout the world that have turned the tides of history. The Battle of Gettysburg, The Battle of Little Big Horn and the Battle of Charlie Sheen, just to name a few. However none of these battles has had an impact on the future of mankind […]
With the release of the iPad in 2010, and the termendous and unexpected success of this latest Apple innovation, there was no doubt that all of Apple’s competitors would be releasing their own tablets in the near future in order to compete with the iPad. After the first wave of releases and the initial thickening […]
Check out these AMAZING and très chic Harry Potter-themed pillows by Montreal, CA, based artist Kim Gadbois, who will be presenting her art at the upcoming GeekfestMTL in Montreal, CA, on March 5 and 6, 2011. Merci Kim! [Source: pantoufledeverre]
By Jimmy Rogers (@me) Contributing Writer, [GAS] Valentine’s Day is over, but it’s never a bad idea to stock up on gift ideas for that geeky girl or guy in your life. I just discovered these while browsing Etsy and HAD to share them with the [GaS] community! These were crafted by Houston-based CleanerScience. As a microbiology […]