REVIEW: Samsung Galaxy S II for T-Mobile

Tuesday, the T3 Gadget Awards 2011 named the Galaxy S II “Phone of the Year” —  the first time in 3 years the award hasn’t gone to Apple or HTC.  Today, T-Mobile is releasing their version of the GSII, which is already available on Sprint and AT&T. The T-Mobile GSII is the final version to launch in […]

Feature: Montreal Comic-Con 2011 in Pictures [Gallery]

As previously mentioned, I was at Comic Con Montreal 2011 last weekend to shoot pictures of costumed people, and while the event wasn’t exactly perfect (I had to wait in line for almost 2 hours to get in, even though I had purchased my ticket online a few days before,) It was still pretty darn […]

Amazing Life-Size Papercraft Link [Picture Gallery]

Deviantartist studioofmm recently made what is probably the most amazing papercraft Link we’ve ever seen. Standing at 5’5 tall, the model is made from 250 gsm paper (about 4x stronger then normal paper) and has foam core supports inside its structure to keep it from collapsing. Link is made from 250+ pages, the initial template […]

The Fall 2011 Geek TV Schedule

It’s September and you know what that means: a new Fall television season, time to set your TIVOs and DVRs and decide what’s junk and what’s not. So continuing our yearly tradition, here’s a look at some of the television shows that, just based on descriptions, have some geeky elements. We’re a little late this […]

Glow-in-the-Dark Cats, Stem Cell Zoos, Super-Earth, SCIENCE!!

As always, science has giving us plenty of awesomeness in the last week. Here are a few of the biggest stories rounded up for your reading pleasure. Glowing Cats Shed Light on AIDS It’s hard to decide whether a kitten amped up on fluorescent jellyfish protein is cute or freaky, but before you try to […]