The Most Awesome Geek Wedding of all Time: New Hope Fan Girl carries her Darth Vader Crush throughout

On October 16th, 2005, Darth Vader did something most wouldn’t have expected of him: he got married! And you know what’s even more awesome? The lucky girl is one of our readers! Check it out! (Note: If you want to skip the traditional Star Wars intro, skip ahead to 0:56) Many thanks to Geeks are […]

11 Certifiably Geeky Bands Who Use Video Game Remixes

Some people like a little Roll with their Rock while others like a lot of Geek with it. The Internet has given rise to the popularity of bands using all sorts of geek culture themes to tickle their fans’ nerdicles. Some of these bands do straight cover songs from video games or cartoons while others […]

Superman Weds Harley Quinn, DC World Shocked

by Ana Aesthetic Contributing Writer, [GAS] Geek weddings are becoming super chic. It’s not uncommon to see Darth Vader giving away a glowing Leia to her perspective Han (or Luke in some cases!) and weddings at comic and anime conventions are a growing trend among people who met, and share their fondest memories at those […]

These Star Wars and Gundam Dioramas Will Totally Blow your Mind [Picture Gallery]

I know you’ve all seen lots of small scale model representations of various scenes featured in pop culture movies as kids, but what you’re about to see will totally blow you mind. These Star Wars and Gundam-themed dioramas were recently presented at the Shizuoka Hobby Show in Japan, and unfortunately after seeing this, I can […]

Blizzcon 2011 in Pictures [Gallery]

We can probably all agree that cosplayers attending events like SDCC, NYCC or Even MTLCC look really great, but until you’ve seen the costumes from people at Blizzcon, you’ve seen nothing. Many thanks to professional photographer Onigun for giving us permission to post some of his pictures here on [GaS]. I genuinely tried to find […]