A First Look at Angelina Jolie as Maleficent [Pic]

Wow… just wow. I’m totally speechless. Here’s the press release: The Walt Disney Studios announced today that production began Wednesday, June 13th, on “Maleficent,” starring Academy Award®–winning actress Angelina Jolie. Directed by two-time Oscar®-winning production designer Robert Stromberg (“Avatar,” “Alice in Wonderland”), in his directorial debut, and produced by Joe Roth, “Maleficent” is written by […]

CLANG: A new generation in swordfighting games

Historical fiction nerd, science fiction author and self-professed swordfighting geek Neal Stephenson has decided it’s time to end the trigger-based foolery that we have come to accept in our sword games. His CLANG kickstarter seeks to use modern gaming technology to revolutionise the way we swing our virtual swords. Initially, his PC based game will […]

Zombie Mania Running Wild

A series of particularly horrific murders should normally spark fear, outrage, and a deadly serious response. But it turns out that when cannibalism is the theme, it’s an opportunity for tongue-in-cheek (so to speak) marketing and an unlikely official statement. In early May, a Miami man attacked a homeless man and ate an estimated two-thirds […]

Eduard Khil, AKA The Trololo Guy, Dies in St. Petersburg, aged 77

Eduard Khil, better known as the Trololo guy on the Intertubes, has died this morning at a St. Petersburg hospital a few weeks after suffering from a stroke, which had made irreversible damage to his heart and brain. Rest in peace Eduard, I expect your legacy will live on for many, many years, thanks to […]

FanimeCon 2012 Cosplay in Pictures [Gallery]

[GAS] reader Bill Hinsee (From Bill Hinsee Photography) was at FanimeCon 2012 last weekend and sent me a bunch of pictures of cosplayers attending the event. We picked some of our favorite from Bill’s shots in the picture gallery below. Please note that all these photos were released under a CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 license. Thanks […]