San Diego Comic Con 2012 Preview Night

Nerdvana. Geek Mecca. The Place of Hopes and Dreams. San Diego Comic Con. The ultimate pilgrimage for geeks world-wide kicked off last night with a the annual Preview Night, attended by professionals and a few thousand lucky general pass holders. It’s the night where you can get the jump on all the wicked exclusives put […]

Holy Batmobile Traffic Jam, Batman! [Caption Contest]

Pic: Geektyrant Holy Batmobile traffic jam, Batman! Where are all the Batmobiles going? Your caption could win a prize from the NeatoShop. But first, the story behind the pic: Warner Bros. is hosting an event Extra Comic-Con, where they put together all of the Batmobiles from the Batman movie franchise (see previously on [GAS]) in […]

US researchers tantalizingly close to Higgs boson “evidence”

Researchers at the Tevatron particle accelerator in Illinois say they’ve come about as close as you can get to finding evidence of the Higgs boson particle. The announcement comes amid rumors that researchers at the Large Hadron Collider will make a notable announcement this week. At the moment, the Higgs boson is still hypothetical and […]

Interview with Steve Schklair, Lead 3D Producer for “The Amazing Spider-Man”

By J David Osborne Contributing Writer, [GAS] The image of the effects artist as a bespectacled dude with a paintbrush, standing in front of a life-size and life-like monster waiting to be brought to life by the flourishes of a group of talented puppeteers, is (mostly) a thing of the past. In its place we […]