2012 in Review: 20 of the Year’s Best Nonfiction Books for Geeks
In case you weren’t obsessively perusing the nonfiction racks in 2012, here is a round-up of the year’s best nonfiction titles for geeks of all flavors.
In case you weren’t obsessively perusing the nonfiction racks in 2012, here is a round-up of the year’s best nonfiction titles for geeks of all flavors.
Dino eggs, dead kings and hoarded coins: In case you weren’t obsessively poring over the details of this year’s archaeological news, here’s a year-end round-up.
Check out the infographic and let us know who you think should be added to this list if this post was titled “20 Geeks You Should Know.” If you only have a candidate or two to nominate, that’s totally fine too! :) Source: 10 Geeks You Should Know
To hell with Star Wars Episode VII. Star Trek FTW! :) In Summer 2013, pioneering director J.J. Abrams will deliver an explosive action thriller that takes Star Trek Into Darkness. When the crew of the Enterprise is called back home, they find an unstoppable force of terror from within their own organization has detonated the […]
Let me preface this post with two things: 1) This is not particularly geeky. 2) While I am not of the opinion that 30 years is the peak (or end) of life, I do agree that it’s a milestone age that inspires a bit of reflection and a flurry of future-planning, at least for me. […]
Today, 20 years ago, a Vodafone engineer received the world’s first text message: Merry Christmas. In the two decades since, texting has not only become a normal part of daily life, but it has also shaped our language (for better or worse) and the ways in which we interact with people. Though the first text […]
Purpose, by definition, implies intent or determination, an end goal or a course of action. It’s a useful word, purpose, and one we use fairly often when discussing life’s Big Questions. What is my purpose? Does this object or occupation serve a good purpose? But it’s not a word often associated with the existence of […]
I’ve made no secret that I like video games, especially the sort of the RPG, sword and sorcery variety. Particularly the Dragon Age games. Sure, I’d like to say I rock Battlefield and Black Ops and whatnot, but the truth of the matter is, I’m really selective when it comes to most games. I think […]
That’s right; FTL may be closer than we think. And because I thoroughly enjoy it I’m going to say it – more Star Trek technology is coming to life! (In addition to the tractor beams, universal translators, VISORs and, of course, replicators). A physicist named Harold White recently made the landmark announcement that he and […]
Like many LoTR geeks out there, I figured that when Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings trilogy finally ended, that was going to be it. There was a sense of finality, a feeling that I’d endured a great journey myself, following the film from its early rumors at the end of the 90s to the […]