Everything You Might Have Missed in The ‘Final Fantasy XV’ Demo

Final Fantasy XV was a massive demo (which could be hacked and opened entirely if you managed to get hit by a car while playing, no joke) but even then, many people missed some of the most grandiose moments of this seemingly spectacular demo for this fabled franchise. Check out this video which highlights some […]

Turn Songs into 3D-Printed Sculptures You Can ‘Listen To’ with Reify

The benefits of 3D printing are almost too impressive and massive for us to even properly address yet. The possibilities with this tech is limitless, and the directions it is going show great promise. But here is an angle you probably have never heard before, literally. Remember how the Winamp player would make cool visualizations […]

The Brilliant Inventions of Dominic Wilcox

Dominic Wilcox is a man quite unlike any other. A genius who thinks so far outside the box he can no longer tell you the shape of on. Wilcox invents things that cause people to look at him, and question their own version of reality for a minute. Some people are born with brains that […]