Apparently Women’s Bathroom Sign Was Never a Dress! (#ItWasNeverADress)

A software company called Axosoft is using this illustration as part of its #ItWasNeverADress initiative, a program looking to make woman more involved in the world of technology. What has been seen can never be unseen. From now on, every time I’ll see one of those signs, a female superhero will immediately come to my […]

‘Suicide Squad’ First Official Cast Photos

Here it is, people. A semi-final portrayal of how the Suicide Squad will look in the final film. And people who see a mask-less Will Smith and are scared that Deadshot lost some of his trademark cool looks, fret not. Director David Ayers also shared a separate pic of Deadshot’s real outfit and it does […]

Top 10 Video Game Franchise Rivalries

Rivalries in games are a huge element to gaming, but what about the actual rivalries between game franchises and the characters they created? Think Mario versus Sonic for a perfect example. These rivalries are often so passionate, it is almost like we are shouting for our favorite sports team. But what is your favorite video […]

‘Beyond the Brick’ Lego Trailer Will Leave You Smiling

Beyond the Brick is the kind of movie fans of Lego have been waiting for their whole lives. While Lego Movie was a wonderful and fun experience, this is different entirely. This movie chooses to focus on the makers, lovers and believers in Lego. Whereas Lego Movie was great fun, Beyond the Brick looks like […]