Unlocking the Past: How the Rosetta Stone Was Used to Decipher Ancient Secrets

Have you ever wondered how we came to understand the mysterious hieroglyphs of ancient Egypt? For centuries, the meaning behind these ancient symbols was locked away, until a groundbreaking discovery in 1799 changed everything. Enter the Rosetta Stone, a remarkable artifact that became the key to deciphering Egyptian hieroglyphs. In this video from TED-Ed, discover […]

How Every Letter from Our Alphabet Came to Be [Video]

Ever wondered how each letter of the English alphabet came to be? Dive into the fascinating journey with language expert Olly Richards as he unveils the origins of every letter, from A to Z. Each letter carries its own unique story, starting as pictograms with little resemblance to their modern forms. Through a journey spanning […]

Medieval Magic: Beowulf Reimagined with Hurdy-Gurdy and Theremin

From Peter Pringle: This is a short excerpt from the 8th century epic tale of BEOWULF. The instrument I am using to accompany myself is called a hurdy-gurdy , a popular instrument of medieval Europe. The hurdy-gurdy in this video was made for me by Alden and Cali Hackmann of Olympic Musical Instruments in Indianola, […]

Exposing Edison: The Truth Behind His Alleged Inventions

Thomas Edison: a name synonymous with innovation. But did he truly invent everything attributed to him? While Edison is commonly credited with the invention of the light bulb, there is plenty of evidences suggesting otherwise. Who truly deserves recognition for this groundbreaking invention? This question serves as the focal point of the exploration into Edison’s […]

Happy International Women’s Day from the Women of Star Trek

From Star Trek: The women of Star Trek have been boldly going since 1966. Today, we highlight some of the incredible torchbearers who have casted the light so we may see our path forward — exploring, discovering new worlds, new civilizations. From every corner across every quadrant, we salute all the women who continue to […]

The Origins of Good vs. Evil

What happens when angels and demons engage in battle amidst the celestial realms? Watch as Dr. Emily Zarka delves into the rich narratives of Islam, Judaism, and Christianity, exploring their unique perspectives on the clash between heavenly beings. From epic wars to intricate courtroom dramas, each tradition offers a fascinating lens into the afterlife, the […]

Korean YouTuber Discovers He’s Not So Tall After All in the Netherlands: Land of Giants!

At 193 centimeters tall (or 6′ 4″), Youtuber 아픈 니가 청춘 is used to stand out in a crowd, epsecially in Korea, where people are a lot shorter than he is. But in this video, he discovers a world where towering over others isn’t the norm. In the Netherlands, where the average man’s height surpasses […]