Star Wars: The Top 20 Coolest Spaceships

The “what is the best ship is the Star Wars universe?” debate will most likely rage forever, because there are so many different answers. Some love the (obvious choice) Millennium Falcon, while others (myself included) think the TIE Fighters are the coolest ship (design) beaming around the galaxy. Den of Geek have thrown together a […]

‘Daredevil’ Season 2 Promises Both Punisher and Elektra Will Have Costumes

People were kind of pissed that Daredevil didn’t wear his costume until the end of season one, and even then, a lot of fans were let down with the way the suit looked. So what should we expect from new characters Elektra and Punisher next season? Good news, from and Daredevil Co-Executive Producer Marco […]

Stargate Universe Fans Petition Netflix: Over 100,000 Signatures so Far!

Both fans and cast members of Stargate Universe are calling on Netflix to pick up the show. More than 100,000 people have signed a petition arguing that it’s a perfect fit for a streaming service. The show only ran for two seasons before being dropped by Syfy in 2010. Plans to conclude the story — […]

Stephen Fry’s Short Guide to British Etiquette [Video]

To showcase the unique, eclectic culture of modern Britain, the folks from the Heathrow Airport teamed up with British Icon, Stephen Fry, to teach proper British etiquette to tourists. I love the UK, and especially its many and varied accents! Can’t wait to visit someday and maybe take a stroll around Llanfair­pwllgwyn­gyllgo­gery­chwyrn­dro­bwll­llanty­silio­gogo­goch. [Heathrow Airport]

Drunk With Awe: Neil DeGrasse Tyson on The Meaning and Beauty Of Life And Death [Video]

A few days ago, Neil deGrasse Tyson had a very deep conversation with Jason Silva, the host of National Geographic’s Brain Games, about the meaning and beauty of life and death and how death is actually a beautiful thing because it brings meaning to life. “My knowledge that I will die gives focus and meaning […]