Superman: The Golden Age of Animation [Video]
A look at how the Fleischer brothers pushed the limits of animation to create the definitive Superman. [kaptainkristian]
A look at how the Fleischer brothers pushed the limits of animation to create the definitive Superman. [kaptainkristian]
It’s April Fools’ Day and once again the tech world has provided many of the spoof stories. Perennial pranksters Google have got a weird one: a bogus addition to a genuine service that itself started out as a prank. Several years ago the company made a joke post on April 1 about Gmail being able […]
Watch as “Burger Fiction” explores the television and cinematic history of Batman, from 1943 with “Batman,” to 2016 with “Dawn of Justice.” Please note that they did not include EVERY Batman appearance in the history of the character, just their favorites. [Burger Fiction]
I am very lucky to know some incredibly talented people. One of those people is a young man by the name of Dana Tarr. He wanted nothing more than to be a photographer, and unlike most people, he actually chased that dream aggressively until it was in his hands. From shooting Nicki Minaj (say what […]
The artists name is Simon Lee, and as you can clearly see here, he has a penchant for pop culture and sci fi, and in this case, with a comedic twist. His work is astounding and every geek should check it out over here. [H/T SuperPunch, image Twitter]
When your job hinges on how well you talk to people, you learn a lot about how to have conversations — and that most of us don’t converse very well. Celeste Headlee has worked as a radio host for decades, and she knows the ingredients of a great conversation: Honesty, brevity, clarity and a healthy […]
Since it’s announcement, every gamer has wondered one core thing about No Man’s Sky. What EXACTLY do you do and how do you play it? We know you explore the galaxy and claim planets and resources, but what is really going on? Seems the lucky folks over at Gamespot got a copy and are keen […]
The Power Rangers have a particularly sordid past off-screen. From killing people to, well, just watch the list. Also, spoiler alert, Heisenberg from Breaking Bad used to voice monsters on this show. How cool is that? [VariantComics]
[That Place]
We all know Rocket Raccoon from Guardians of the Galaxy was an awesome, crass, kick-ass character. We also know Deadpool from, well, Deadpool is a awesome, crass, kick-ass character. So what do you think happens when these two characters team up? I will give you a hint: A lot of people die. And it’s awesome. […]