Virtual Reality Film Aims To Deter Drunk Drivers [360° Video]

An alcoholic drinks company has produced a virtual reality video that lets users experience a car crash from a 360 degree perspective. It’s designed to highlight the dangers of drunk driving. The video from Diageo is compatible with most of the major VR headsets on the market. It also works on the Facebook and YouTube […]

7 Things You (Probably) Didn’t Know About Harry Potter

Watch as the folks from Cinefix list 7 things you probably did not know about the Harry Potter franchise, starting with the beds in the Gryffindor dorm room, which never grew in size as the kids became older (and bigger!) from one movie to the other. Alas, the hidden chambers of the wizarding world are […]

An American’s Guide to the Canadian Provinces

For any Americans considering visiting Canada, here is “An American’s Guide to the Canadian Provinces (and territories)“ by Jamie Shaw . We hope it will be very useful to you during your stay. Editor’s note: As a proud Canadian and resident of the province of Quebec, the description you’ll read of our province (below) is […]

Hayao Miyazaki’s (Studio Ghibli) Influence vs. His Movies [Video]

In case you haven’t heard yet, Hayao Miyazaki is coming out of retirement for one last movie, and what better way to pass time than to watch some of the references he used while creating his films: Movies included in this compilation: Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind, Castle in the Sky, My Neighbor […]

10 Awesome Inventions by Kids [Video] This episode of AllTime10s takes a look at 10 amazing invention that were discovered by kids! Children’s overactive imaginations make them them natural creative geniuses. But, did you know some of the items we use everyday were invented by a child? From the trampoline, to the TV, AllTime10s brings you, 10 Incredible Inventions By […]

A Tribute to Cinematic Space Trips (1902 – 2015) [Video] Created by filmmaker Daniel Mcilwraith and Fandor Keyframe, this supercut tribute pays homage to the past 113 years of cinematic space trips, from Georges Méliès’ 1902 French silent film “A Trip to the Moon,” up to Ridley Scott‘s The Martian from 2015. For those interested, I’ll include the full list of movies below: 1902: […]

A Look at the Growth of Human Population Through Time (100,000 BC to 2100 AD) [Video]

From The American Museum of Natural History: It took 200,000 years for our human population to reach 1 billion—and only 200 years to reach 7 billion. But growth has begun slowing, as women have fewer babies on average. When will our global population peak? And how can we minimize our impact on Earth’s resources, even […]